Sunday, March 15, 2015

C4T #2 For my second comments for teachers blogging assignment, I read two blogs by Krissy Venosdale. I really enjoyed reading her blogs!  She has bold and interesting views on the classroom and how the atmosphere should be organized.  Her blogs caused me to stop and think about the subject she is writing about on a deeper level.  I then, create my opinion about the topic and it inspires me to be a awesome educator one day.
     Krissy Venosdale's first blog that I read was Make School More Than Worksheets.  In this post, she talks about how when she was in school the teachers always gave out worksheets. The teachers would keep the students busy with worksheets and that was how her and her classmates learned.  She continues to say that she does not think that the learning environment should be full of worksheets. The students should have fun learning while being hands on and engaged.  I commented, " Hello Krissy Venosdale!  I am a student at the University of South Alabama.  I am in a EDM blogging class.  I really enjoyed reading your post.  I too, was a student that was given worksheets and I would work to make that A.  I totally agree that students today have so much technology at their fingertips.  They will navigate a world that we cannot fully imagine.  Thank you for sharing your thoughts!  I am encouraged and want to be a teacher that does not give worksheets, but allows my students to be involved and hands on."
     The second blog I read by Krissy Venosdale was The Things We Use.  In this blog, she gives many different technology tools and asks what we see when we see that specific tool. For example, she asks, "Do you see an iPad?" Then she compares the technology tool to another life necessity to a child like training wheels. After comparing what we see when we see these technology tools to other tools we see in a child's life she asks, "Do you see a bunch of tech tools or do you see learning opportunities? Do you see yourself as the expert in the room, or the learner along side your students?" I commented, "Hello Mrs. Venosdale! My name is Courtney Doyal and I am a college student. I am currently in a class called EDM 310 and every week we learn how to become a better teach and how to use sources to our greatest advantage. The only words I had after reading this post was, "WOW!" It brought the debate about technology in the classroom to another level. You really showed the necessity for it by comparing it to something as simple as training wheels on a bike. I completely see tech tools as a learning opportunity. Even though I am not in my own classroom yet, I do not think I will ever consider myself an expert. I will always be a learner along side of my students. I truly believe the saying, "you learn something new every day." I never think you can be too educated or too old to learn something new. I forever want to continue learning and becoming a better person. Awesome post and thank you for sharing you thoughts!"

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