Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Project 6 C4K 2

   The first student's blog that I read was by Maya. It was called The Fault In Our Stars. Maya read the book The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. She is sharing with us in her post how she thought the book was wonderful. She tells how many pages the book has and that it is a realistic fiction book.  Maya goes on to tell us a few details about the book and does a great job of not being a spoiler with too many details. I commented, "Hi Maya! You did a great job on giving main details of the book without spoiling important details. I have been wanting to read this book as well as see the movie. I enjoy reading the book and then watching the movie to compare the changes made. You are not the first person to recommend this book in such a great way. I will definitely have to find time to read it! Glad you loved the book and keep up the great blog posts!"
     The second student's blog that I read was by Skye.  It was called PLAN Testing. Skye tells us the bold and honest truth about testing. She shares that it is not fun and no one ever wants to go through it. Positively, Skye gives us great ways and tips for preparing for a large test such as a the PLAN test. Her advice is very accurate and are tips that I still use to this day as a college student. I commented, "Hi Skye! I am a student in college and have taken many different types of tests in my school career. You have done a great job of telling others how they should prepare for a test. Taking tests can be very boring and tiring, but they do pay off when you get to do something successful because you prepared correctly. Great post and keep up the great work!"
     The third and final student's blog that I read for this assignment was by Lisa. Lisa's blog was called The House of HadesTh. Lisa was reading a book called The House of HadesTh by Rick Riordan. In this blog, Lisa shares the basic details about the book and its characters. This book has so many characters that she said she could not list them all. She shares that she loved the suspense and adventure of the book.  She recommends it to anyone. I commented, "Hello Lisa! This book sounds very interesting. I love to read and especially like to read new things. The suspension and adventure sound interesting. Thanks for sharing this book and I look forward to reading it."

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