What Did I Leave Out?
For this blog post we were assigned to create an assignment for our class that we didn't cover or learn about this semester. Throughout this class, I learned a lot about project-based learning and how to be a successful teacher using technology, but I did not learn how to be a successful teacher without using technology. I believe that using technology is great and is a first choice, but not all counties and school systems can afford a lot of technology. I chose to create a blog post assignment about learning how to be a successful teacher without technology. This assignment is to watch the video Teach Teachers How to Create Magic by Christopher Emdin. Once the video is viewed, respond to the followed questions in a blog post.
1. Have you discovered how to use magic?
2. How will this magic help you in your classroom one day?
My response to the above assignment:
Christopher Emdin opens the TEDtalk by telling a story for the audience to imagine in their minds. He automatically drew me into the video with his voice and stage presence. Emdin asks the question of why we educate by using and studying old texts that are written by people who are dead. He then goes on to talk about stressing over lesson plans. He states that no matter how prepared we are they may not be right for the classroom. He inspires and shares that the magic is creating a classroom atmosphere where our lessons as educators should tell a story. The magic is creating a classroom of students that are drawn into the lesson by a simple movement that speaks a thousand words. Capturing our students by our words is what we should strive for in the classroom. We should be expressive and interactive which will draw them in. This will help me one day as an educator because I will not be so depended on using technology to drawing my student's attention. I have learned the magic of using my voice and simple movements to get their attention. While technology is a great tool to use in the classroom, it is my job to teach students.
Good post!